Services from

V Organic World

Our services primarily focusing on sustainability and self-empowerment and we achieve it through our open source manufacturing & Marketing practices. Our products been prepared by self help groups via the manufacturing technology shared by V Organic World. The prime motto to produce sustainable products with high quality at reasonable price. So that a common man can produce and the same common man buy & use it.

Service to Sustainability

V Organic World ensure the source and quality of each and every ingredient used in production of each product, assuring its chemical free formulation and efficacy of the product at the same time. For few products production, renewable source of raw material is used making sure it adds mineral value to environment, rather adding non-decomposing wastes.

make a high quality products

Rural empowerment is one of the services by V Organic World to rural people through which we introduced initiatives to increase financial security by means of handmade products production with readily available natural resources. These products help them to generate revenue and at the time these products can be used by them as well, thus reducing expenses.